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Feb. 20, 2020

Cracking The College Success Tips to become an A Student

If you’re determined not to be a drop out, you need to arm yourself with an arsenal of college success tips.  Going to college is so exciting. It’s your first big life adventure but have you thought of what kind of student  yo…

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Feb. 13, 2020

How Mental Health and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand Can Help You Live a Better Life

Many of us may assume that the term "health" generally denotes physical health. But your mental health also plays an important role to improve your overall health.  Almost 5% of Americans experience some form of severe mental illness, as per t…

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Feb. 6, 2020

The Secret History Of How CrazyFitnessGuy Was Created?

It’s almost been three years ago that I started CrazyFitnessGuy but did I ever tell you how CrazyFitnessGuy was created?  That day was one of the happiest days of my life. Starting this website has given me hope for a big and bright futur…

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Jan. 30, 2020

The Top 5 Ways to be Healthy and Prevent Cancer Worth Fighting For

Today’s blog post is written by Pragat Vyawahare Founder and CEO of At the end of this post, I will leave a link to his website so you can go check out his content on his site as well. I hope you enjoy this post. In this post,…

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Jan. 23, 2020

9 Things You Need to Know About The Importance of Special Education

When I was growing up and going to school I was in Special Education.  There were good times and bad times but after this post, you will really understand the importance of Special Education in public schools.     * Affilia…

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Dec. 5, 2019

Warning: I Miss My Dog Who Died

I miss my dog who died two weeks ago.  Her name was Molly and she was a 14 year golden retriever.  It was so unexpected that I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye.  I was too busy with a final project for college, so this week I …

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Aug. 13, 2018

What You Should Know About What My Dog Taught Me About Life

The Passing Of One Of My Dogs If you follow me on Facebook, and Twitter you might have seen that my dog Kasey was put down because she had a cancerous lump on her neck.  There was nothing we could do anything about it.  That's w…

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