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Sept. 22, 2023

An In-Depth Analysis of 'One Percent More' Book: A Comprehensive Review and Practical Guide

An In-Depth Analysis of 'One Percent More' Book: A Comprehensive Review and Practical Guide

This article provides a comprehensive overview of One Percent More Book Review. It offers readers a well-rounded perspective, covering various aspects and delivering high-quality information, insights, and practical guidance.

Whether you're looking to improve your personal or professional life, this article will provide you with a deep understanding of the subject matter while addressing your diverse needs and interests.

The concept of the 1% More book is about improving any aspect of your life 1% More whether it's, financial, health-related, work, personal life, etc. 

There is always something we can improve and work on to have a fulfilled life.   While you are reading this article ask yourself what can you be 1% better at.


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In this One percent more book review, I will cover the following:

  • Explanation of the book's message
  • Benefits of implementing the book's principles
  • Real-life examples of successful implementations that I am currently working on
  • Practical Applications of 1 Percent More
  • A step-by-step process of how to come up with things to improve on
  • Tips for overcoming common obstacles
  • Examples of successful implementation in other areas of my life
  • Comparison to Similar Books


Key Takeaways from One Percent More'

When I was reading One Percent More book I started thinking of ways to improve my life a little more. 

I felt like I was slacking on a few things that I have.  I love the title 1% More because other books say you need to implement 9 steps to have a fulfilled life.

Let's be honest 9 is too many steps at least 1% more makes you realize you are not a total screw-up.  You are just working on improving little by little which all add up. 

Those other books make you feel like you haven't made any significant progress.  Anyone can implement 1% more. 

My friend Len Decarmine who wrote the book gives amazing actionable steps anyone can follow.

In all honesty, when I purchased the book I thought this was going to be hard to implement and only a select few. 

I also thought I had my stuff together because my ego got in the way. 

So I told my brain to shut up and read the book.  Well, I have to say I am glad that I picked up the book and read it because I have been feeling better and significant because of it.


The Benefits Of Practicing One Percent More

When I was reading One Percent More book, I made a mental list of things I could improve on slightly.  I didn't realize the benefits until I started to implement my list of things I could improve on.

Some of the benefits of implementing One Percent More into my daily life are:

  • Improving productivity 
  • Improvement in health
  • Improvement in organization and neatness 
  • Improving self-care 
  • Feeling less stress 

Of course, depending on where you are focusing 1% will determine your benefits and how it makes you feel.  These are just some examples of how I felt implementing them.

 real life examples of successful implementations of one percent more

Real-life examples of successful implementations

When I was reading the book I made a mental list of areas in my life that I could improve just a little more on.

My emotions were pouring through my body like a raging river.  Here is what I am currently working on to improve my overall well-being.

  • Financial well-being - saving more, and learning more about investments 
  • Mental health - taking more breaks throughout the day, learning to say no
  • Wellness - learning to go to bed at a consistent time, and how I can be more active 
  • Mastering time management - I am learning about time blocking, and setting boundaries

So far I am doing well in time management, and wellness, and doing better with mental health.  I will admit that I am still working on my mental health and financial well-being.  It is a work in progress.


Practical Applications of '1 Percent More'

When I first read this book I was overwhelmed by how I could improve my overall well-being because it covers many inspiring authors and their journeys.  

They also provide great examples it was hard to determine where to start finding where one could add that 1% more in their lives!  But lucky for you I will share with you my step-by-step guide of how I implemented the strategies in my life.

  1. Read the book from start to finish
  2. Review examples in the book again
  3. Make a list of the top 3 or 4 areas of your life you would like to work on
  4. Prioritize which is the most important 
  5. Then go back into the book and re-read the sections you want to work on
  6. Put it into action
  7. Don't be afraid to revamp if needed

I can't stress enough how important step number 7 is.  Don't be afraid of revamping if you need to.  I used to write articles on my website three days a week but once COVID hit, I knew if I wanted to be a well-known motivational speaker I knew I had to get my voice out there.

So I started the Crazy Fitness Guy podcast to get my voice out there.  When that happened I started publishing articles on my website monthly along with everything else.


Tips For Overcoming Common Obstacles

When you first start out implementing 1% more you may feel like you can apply the 1% more methods to everything in your life.  I know that's how I felt when I was first starting.  

But I reminded myself that I am still in college, I am running my business full time, so I have to be practical with my self-improvement list.  Here are some obstacles that you may face when starting:

Don't begin by jotting down all the tasks you wish to tackle. Do start off with three self-improvements you want to work on Don't allow others to add more stuff to your plate Do share with others your goals so you have some accountability

Expect obstacles to happen and keep these do's and don't's in mind.  Remember Rome was not built in a day.   You are working on the goals for long-term success not short-term.

 one percent more book comparison to similar books

Comparison to Similar Books

Here are some books that are similar to 1% More book by Len Decarmine:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Discover Your Joy by Louise Pistol 

These are some of the self-help books I have read.  I will be honest I am a reader who likes to read fiction books rather than non-fiction.  I am still working on reading more non-fiction books.

My mom gave me the idea of reading a fiction book and a non-fiction book at the same time.  But I told her that my brain does not work that way.  It is one or the other, not both.


Summary of Key Takeaways

Incremental Improvement: The book emphasizes the significance of making small, consistent improvements in various aspects of life.  Growth Mindset: Adopting a growth mindset is crucial, as it allows individuals to view challenges as opportunities for learning and development.  Practical Strategies: Readers can apply the book's principles through strategies like goal setting, time management, and habit formation.  Real-Life Examples: Success stories illustrate how 1 percent improvements have led to significant long-term gains.  Actionable Insights: The analysis provides actionable advice and a clear understanding of how to implement the book's philosophy effectively.



jimmy clare book review of 1 percent more book


Book Rating

I would give this book 5/5 stars because this book focuses on the 1% method vs. too many steps.  Working on too many things at once can get very overwhelming.

I know because, in the years when I started CrazyFitnessGuy, I started and stopped many projects.  When it came to the end of the year I started scrambling to finish those projects I started and then stopped.  Note to self don't start and stop projects ever again, check!

No one should live their lives like that it is not a good feeling.  I am glad I read the 1% More book so I can improve my overall well-being.  Make sure you follow Len because he is always doing something amazing!

About the Author

CEO / Founder / Men's Empowerment and Relationship Coach at The Mindful Man Method

Coach / Co-Creator / Host at Extraordinary Being Movement

Elevate with '1 Percent More' Book Review & Guide



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